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11 May 2010


"Hey Guys & Gals,

We are fast approaching the deadline for issue 7!
For this issue we are looking for your most shocking, sick and smutty work!
The dictionary defines smut as - Any form of media that is considered profane or offensive. Particularly with regards to sexual content.

Here's a little video that should give you an idea of what we are talking about:

Our Featured artist is Matt Joyce check his work out here http://www.themeekshall.co.uk/

This issue will also be available with limited edition screen prints and postcards produced by CAC members Godmachine, The Meekshall & The Violence Boys.

Remember: you can submit anything you want - old work, new work, work for clients, work for yourself - anything at all. Thats it - get sending!

Deadline 23rd of May.

Submissions Details are as follows:
A5 portrait, High Res Black and White, saved as PDF or JPG (300 dpi)
Please supply an e-mail address and/or website.

Look forward to seeing your smutty submission!!


We will also be trying out some limited edition versions which will incure a fee but only because they will include some art work/screen prints and some goodies from artists- if you want to send us some stickers or whatever to include in these 'special' packs- let me or the guys know at the address above.

Cant stress this enough guys- doesnt have to be a new piece- can be something you have already produced for other clients- old work, stuff you have lying around. for example- I will submit a piece I did for Deftones two years ago.