designer violence asked me to curate the next issue. They are running a comp' for people to sub designs for the new tee. To be honest I was a lot reluctant to spec work...but realised it actually free work. They want you to design them a tee for free and this is in keeping with my 'work for full price or work for free- but never work for cheap' ethic. Also their cause is a good one- they use their own money to make the mag- no adverts, no profit: its a free magazine. They do it coz they love art- its that simple. So I am game.
its all we have in the way of lowbrow art in cardiff.
Also I would like you to send me your art thats not included in the comp- stuff you have already done for other people- personal stuff- client work etc- what ever you feel- I want you guys in this mag.
Others that have appeared and sent us work in the past are setup85, nicolo, brandon heart, moi, christ- loads more that have escaped me right now...its a great little mag.
deadline is in 2 weeks- get sending.
here is the poster and detailssend work to the email on the poster- click to see large poster:
the winner of the tee comp will be interviewed by moi and the designer violence guys for a few pages and your work showcased in the mag. Plus as much stuff as I can get off the designer violence guys for you and the other entrants and whatever I have laying around the studio. But dont do it for the prizes- do it for the children
there are limited pages- so be quick
if you have any thoughts on this or comments- We want to here them so leave them below